As we all know every person is a V.I.P. in his own capacity. A husband is a V.I.P. and a wife is a V.I.P., children are V.I.Ps in the church, ministers are V.I.P. and members are V.I.Ps. In the media organization, the General Manager is a V.I.P., the man shooting the video is a V.I.P., the woman carrying the mic to record is a V.I.P., the policeman is a V.I.P., the army is a V.I.P., every person is a V.I.P. in his capacity.

For us to have more knowledge of what we are discussing, it will be very necessary for us to take note of some of the keywords in this topic.

  1. What is a V.I.P.?

This means Very Important Personality. When you hear the word in any occasion, it means that someone special or valuable or of great reputation and respect has come in or being expected.

What classifies a person as V.I.P.?

  1. As you know, human beings love honour and reputation, somebody wants to be seen or recognized as better than somebody somewhere anyhow.
  2. A person could be regarded as a V.I.P. because of his relationship to someone.
  3. Someone could be regarded as a V.I.P. because of the part he is expected to play in a place or occasion.
  4. He could be a V.I.P. because of his standard in the society.
  5. Maybe because he is a rich or influential person..
  6. A person could be so regarded because of his expertise in a field of endeavor that makes him better than or to stand out among the rest.
  7. Dependableness can make a person a V.I.P. in the life of his dependants.

When a person becomes so important that he is relied upon he becomes a V.I.P. that is Very, Very Important Personality and I believe that this is what an usher is to the church, a Very, Very  Important Personality (V. V.I.P.)  tell your neighbor that you are a Very, Very Important Personality in the church.


As we go into the details of this topic, I want to draw your attention to the word of Jesus Christ, as a caution to guide the usher so that he shall not be confused about the management of V.I.Ps in the church in particular.

Turn to James 2: 1-10

This portion teaches us:

  1. How not to be partial
  2. Not to do the work of ushering with bitterness in our mind against anybody
  • Not to discriminate in the ushering
  1. Not to prefer anybody above others
  2. Not to look down on the poor in particular because he did not dress gorgeously like the big men to be seen in the front line
  3. Not to reserve seat for anybody when people are in church without having seat
  • It teaches us that we should not come late to church
  • Who ever comes first has right to the front line seat
  1. There is noboy that does not wwant to be in a better place. So it is your right to seat in a first class place in the church you must be there on time because there is no respect of person with God. Rom. 22:11, Eph. 6:9, Col. 3:25, Js. 2:1, Js. 2:9, Lev.19:15.

The need for the knowledge of V.I.P Management in the church and occasion with reference to the advice of our Lord Jesus.

Lk. 14: 7-11

This portion of the Bible teaches us that:

  1. That there are people that should command more honour and respect than others
  2. A person should not be over conscious of seating in high place.
  3. Even in the church there are category of people e.g. Alter Elder, Healing Ground Elder, Supporting Elders/Deaconesses etc and every person should know his level.
  4. It is shameful for someone to be asked to leave his eat for a more preferred person so you have to avoid it.
  5. There is need for humility in everything.
  6. There is shameful reward for a proud man.
  7. Seating at a lower level is not a dishonor.
  8. There is time for everything.
  9. 1 Pt. 2:17, Eccl.3:1, Heb. 12:1-3, Phil. 2:5-11


How should an usher manage the V.I.Ps.  When I say manage, I mean the way that an usher should conduct a V.I.P.

Anybody as I said before is a V.I.P but  when it comes to a matter of personality preference, just like the animal farm author said “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others”. The usher must be judicious in carrying out his duty.

  1. Ushers are positioned in different areas of the church and some are meant to man the entrance doors, their first duty is to welcome everyone with a smile and beautiful face with or without handshake as not everyone want to have a handshake with other people.
  2. Some are positioned to guide or lead the people V.I.P inclusive to their seats considering status and condition of health. Every member should be accorded maximum respect as V.I.P in his level.
  3. Get a fore knowledge of the V.I.P and arrange his seat down before ushering him to be seated.
  4. Don’t arrange a seat for him in his presence it will seem as if he was being expected.
  5. The minister should give first hand information to the usher about every V.I.P coming to his church especially if there is a special occasion.
  6. An usher should not be shy towards a V.I.P, you must be polite and never be afraid of any guest no matter who he may be. Don’t forget that you are a Very, Very Important Personality of God in the church representing the heavenly potters.

Remain blessed in Jesus Name, Amen.