Reaching Out With The Hope & Love Of Jesus Christ

No. 1 Ikem Quarters G.R.A. Idumuje Villa, Onicha-Olona Delta state Nigeria. | Sundays @ 9 & 11:30am
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Welcome to C.E.M.S International

Welcome to Christ’s Evangelical Ministry for Salvation International.
We are an Interdenominational Organization commissioned to preach, teach, evangelize.

About Us

It is an Interdenominational Christian Evangelical Organization, we partner with other Churches of God that are proven to be true to their calling with sincere passion for Salvation of Souls.

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

We are commissioned to preach, teach, evangelize and make Disciples of Christ for the salvation of souls that the sacrifices of Jesus Christ be not in vain. Where ever there is a soul, God is waiting to save. We must go to the ends of the globe in search of the souls



We Gather Every Thursday & Sunday

Thursdays 7– 8pm

Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30pm

Sundays 9– 11am

Sundays 3 – 5pm

Sundays 8 – 9pm

Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!

CEMS International

Annual Ingathering Harvest Thanksgiving Service

28th November 2021@ 10am Prompt
VENUE: CHRIST’S EVANGELICAL MINISTRY FOR SALVATION INT’L. No 1, Ikem Quarters GRA, Idumuje Villa Onicha-Olona, Aniocha North L.G.A. Delta State, Nigeria

Soul Winning Salvation Crusade

28th to 30th December@4pm daily.
VENUE: CHRIST’S EVANGELICAL MINISTRY FOR SALVATION INT’L. No 1, Ikem Quarters GRA, Idumuje Villa Onicha-Olona, Aniocha North L.G.A. Delta State, Nigeria

Crossover Service

31st of December 2021
VENUE: CHRIST’S EVANGELICAL MINISTRY FOR SALVATION INT’L. No 1, Ikem Quarters GRA, Idumuje Villa Onicha-Olona, Aniocha North L.G.A. Delta State, Nigeria

Church Blog

The Latest News & Updates

V.I.P. Management

V.I.P. Management

As we all know every person is a V.I.P. in his own capacity. A husband is a V.I.P. and a wife is a V.I.P., children are V.I.Ps in the church, ministers are V.I.P. and members are V.I.Ps. In the media organization, the General Manager is a V.I.P., the man shooting the...

Crowd Control/Management

Crowd Control/Management

INTRODUCTION The concept of crowd control or management cannot be over emphasized. It points to 3 targets. The Institution Crowd Manager or Controller. The occupational health and safety act 2004 stipulates the security and health of the following: The security,...

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Jesus said, In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Jn 14. 2 Heaven or Hell? Are you unsure where you will spend eternity? Do you struggle to believe there’s a Heaven or Hell? Both places are...

Contact Us


Christ's Evangelical Ministry For Salvation Int'l. No. 1, Ikem Quaters GRA, Idumuje Villa Onicha_Olona, Aniocha North LGA. Delta State.
